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Since 1996, we have lectured in over 50 universities, academies and cultural institutions in Italy and Europe.
Below you can find some of the universities we are currently working with.


Loughborough University,

We are guest lecturers in the Digital Heritage Module at Loughborough University in London, bringing our experience in human-centred design of cultural experiences.

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Breda University,
The Netherlands

We collaborate with the Academy for Tourism at Breda University of Applied Sciences, where we deliver lectures and facilitate international collaborations among universities.


IED, Turin

We teach a Design Thinking module, both online and in person, for the Master in Innovation and Digital Production for Cultural Activities at the well known IED, Istituto Europeo di Design.


Polytechnic School of Design, Milan

We teach a Design Thinking module in English for the Master in Event and Exhibition Design at the SPD school in Milan, catering to a diverse group of international students with impressive backgrounds.


IULM University, Milan

We have developed a special relationship with IULM University, working closely with the Arts&Tourism Faculty. We are tenured professors at BA, MA  and PhD courses, and we deliver workshops in other courses and masters.


RCS Academy, Milan

We are scientific coordinators of the online master “Art&Digital - innovative projects and Marketing and Communication and Marketing strategies” and we teach in the live masters as well


Sole 24 Ore Business School, Milan

We've been teaching in two masters of Sole 24 Ore Business School since 2013. Our lessons cover both digital technology in museums and cultural entrepreneurship.

Young people are the future and our only hope.
We want them to feel encouraged
and empowered to work for a better world.
We want to give them the courage to discover their own inspiration and the tools to turn their dreams into reality. 


Image by Ashwin Vaswani

Digital Communication for the Arts

We advocate a new humanistic approach to digital technology, where innovation and efficiency brought by digital are at the service of the fulfilment of the real human needs: culture, comprehension, empathy, beauty. With our 20+ years experience in digital technology for culture we accompany our students in an adventurous trip of endless ways to make their cultural dreams come true. 


Design Thinking for Culture

Who are you designing for? Have you got the creativity in you? Is making mistakes not only forgivable, but even desirable? Design Thinking is a powerful method to answer those questions in a new and empowering way. We have developed our own specific version for cultural organisations (have a look at how we applied it to the Museo Egizio and the Imperial War Museums London) and we love sharing it with energetic and hands-on workshops.


Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era

We want to radically change your approach to working in the cultural sector. No longer streams of CVs sent to museums or countless internships. Working in culture does not mean working IN museums and galleries, it means working WITH museums and galleries. Creating your own company is a hard but incredibly exciting adventure that can bring out the best of yourself. Find your niche, find your buddies, and let’s go!

Experience Design for Cultural Tourism

A different tourism is possible. Tourism can broaden your horizons, bring people together, make the world a better, friendlier, kindler, more environmentally conscious place. Working on quality vs quantity, designing human centred tourist experiences can create sustainable and fulfilling jobs. Our experience in designing and promoting  cultural touristic experiences in Milan, Malta, the UK and Barcelona is at the service of our students, to help them invent their own.

Image by Alvaro Reyes

Audio for Culture

"with a podcast your voice is straight into the mind of the listener". Imagine how many valuable ideas you can convey by being able to do so. As producers of award winning podcasts for the Malta Tourism Authority and writers of a pioneering technical manual, we have designed interactive workshops to make everyone able to create a podcast not only technically good, but engaging and effective.
Let's fill this city with sound ideas.




We stimulate participants with continuous practical exercises based on real situations spicing everything up with competitive and adrenaline driven learning activities.



After engaging hands and minds, the next focal point of our method is to make participants feel with their heart. We stimulate their passion and creativity to increase the educational and emotional impact.



Following up the practical exercises we bring a theoretical framework to the participants, providing them with more information and in-depth to understand the general context..



The final step is to make participants focus on how they can apply independently what they learnt in every facet  of their professional life.

Do you need to organise a workshop?

Let’s talk about your idea.
We can help you create a great learning experience..

Image by Ari He




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SE15 6NP London 


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