With 20 years of experience, we have been speakers at conferences worldwide. Fluent in both Italian and English, our engaging and energetic presentations cover the following subjects:
Museums and digital technology: a panorama of new solutions
Methods for innovation: Design Thinking for the cultural sector
Human Centred Design for culture
Challenges and opportunities of using Digital Technology in museums


The Neuron Goes to the Museum
We organised and chaired an international session about Neuroscience and museums with museum speakers from the USA, Italy, The Netherlands and Malta.
October 4 2023, Milan

RESAW 2023
Hosted at the splendid Museum of the Mediterranean Cultures, RESAW is focused on digital history and preservation. We joined a session about "Museums on the Web: Exploring the past for the future".
June 5-6 2023, Marseille

Festival of Science and Innovation
The Festival in Turin is a great moment of international reflection about tech and science. We delivered a talk about museum and technology and were interviewed by the Italian State TV (RAI)
October 9-16 2022, Turin

Electronic Visualisation of the Arts
We presented at EVA London 2022 a paper written with our scientific committee titled "Vignettes of Computer-based Museum Interactive and Games Software through the Years"
July 6 2022, London

UMANIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence
UmanIA is one of the leading conferences in Italy on AI. We talk about Artificial Intelligence and museums.
April 6 2022, ​Milan
Watch our talk on YouTube on AI and Museums (Italian with English subs)

BIT Conference on Tourism
BIT is one of the most important tourism conferences in Italy. We will be talking about innovation in the Cultural Tourism sector.
April 14 2022, ​Milan

IULM Conference on the Memory of Milan
At the IULM University of Milan we deliver a talk on the best use of digital technology to rebuild elements of the past
December 16, ​2021 - Milan
Watch the talk on YouTube (in Italian)

MUZE.X Conference of the Future of Museums
Muze.X is the first biennial conference on the future of museums. We deliver a talk about the importance of the human element in digital systems.
October 18-20 2021, ​Valletta

Musei Emotivi / Emotional Museums
We discuss the role of emotions in real and digital experiences in museums.
September 17th 2021, ​Florence
Watch the talk on YouTube (in Italian)

Conference at Università Tor Vergata, Rome
At the conference on tools and methods to teach art we talk about Virtual Tours, their present and future.
November 12th 2020, Rome and Online
Watch the talk on YouTube (in Italian)

Science in the City Festival 2020
Presentation about digital technology and museums at the satellite event of EuroScience Open Forum in Trieste.
September 2020, ​Trieste / Online
Watch the talk on YouTube (in Italian)

Electronic Visualisation of the Arts
We have presented at 5 editions of the Electronic Visualisation of the Arts London conferences (2012, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020) .
We are also part of the committee for the papers selection.
Watch the EVA 2020 talk on YouTube on the first museum websites

Narrability 2018 - Human Transformation
Digital Technology and the classical world: how can they cooperate?
From the Narrability Conference 2018 at BASE Milan.
December 2018, ​Milan
Watch the talk on YouTube (in Italian)

MuseumNext Tech Berlin
We delivered a talk at the 2017 edition of MuseumNext Tech, the technology edition of the MuseumNext Conference, held at the Judisches Museum Berlin.
They also featured on the conference website our article
"3 Lessons learnt from Building our first Museum Chatbot… 15 years ago!"

Museums and the Web (USA and Canada)
We have given talks to present papers at 7 editions of this museumtech conference running since 1998 in various cities across the USA and Canada.
In 2018 an article on our chatbot game was featured on their website.
Give a look also at our Publications page to see all the papers we have presented along the years at Museums and the Web conferences.

Icom-Demhist (London)
We have presented at the 2017 edition at the Royal Historic Palaces London a talk on our projects for the House Museums of Milan