Design Thinking workshop at Accademia Carrara
In spring 2018 and 2019 we have organized two Design Thinking workshops in the galleries of Accademia Carrara in Bergamo, one of the most important Art Museums in Lombardy, in collaboration with the Communication course of the University of Bergamo.

The 30 students of the Bergamo University visited the Accademia and noticed the pains and gains of the visitors journeys by observing and talking with real visitors of the museum.
Then they started working on innovative solutions to solve the pain points, prototyping and testing them in order to get real indications on what could work and what had to be redesigned.
Design Thinking is a very effective educational tool to be used with university students, because it focuses their attention on user needs and gives them the tool to have a real impact on their experiences. Prototyping, in particular, being a very practical activity is a powerful instrument for engagement of the students, and a way for them to work in teams making the most of everyone's different abilities: drawing, writing, designing, observing, presenting, etc.
Here you can see a few images from the workshop, including a wonderful view from the Bergamo University classroom - arguably one of the most panoramic classrooms we've ever had!